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Please support a child on their growing and cooking journey
Your donation will empower a child in Aotearoa New Zealand to whanake (grow), hauhake (harvest), whakarite (prepare), and whāngai (share) fresh and seasonal kai.
At Garden to Table, we provide more than 30,000 tamariki with the opportunity and resources to grow and share their own fresh kai as part of daily life, using fresh bounty straight from the māra kai (garden).
But, what about the children who are missing out?
With your support, more tamariki will learn vital life skills - ensuring a brighter future for them, their whānau, and communities.
"Garden to Table is not just impacting the 360 students in our school. It's impacting their whanāu and families. We've got kids going home and creating their recipes with their families. It's all based on real food, real produce.”
— Andrew King, Oropi School Principal